Solo Exhibition
Curators: Klaus Biesenbach and Anselm Franke
Three years prior to the Ulrike Ottinger retrospective at Witte de With in Rotterdam, Kunst-Werke put on an exhibition entitled Bildarchive, which showed Ottinger´s photographs from the context of the films she shot between 1977 and 1997. Bildarchive is also the title of an artist´s book for which Ottinger brought together 2005 images from her oeuvre according to their key elements. "The division into chapters, such as Theatrum Sacrum, Frames, Colour, Market, Food, Landscape, offers a sequence of themes that I´ve been working on in my photography and films for decades. So the borders between the chapters are porous. It´s rather like osmosis." * Installation views of the exhibition at Kunst-Werke show a semi-chronological arrangement that frequently intensifies into photographic ensembles.
*"Ulrike Ottinger im Gespräch mit Gerald Matt", in: Ulrike Ottinger. Bildarchive. Fotografien 1970-2005, hg. von / ed. by Ursula Blickle Stiftung, Kunsthalle Wien und / and Witte de With , Nürnberg / Nuremberg: Verlag für moderne Kunst 2005, S. / p. 137f.
Catalogue with texts by Anselm Franke and Ulrike Ottinger
Fotografien aus den Kontexten der Filme / Photographs from the contexts of the films: Madame X - Eine absolute Herrscherin / Madame X - An Absolute Ruler (1977), Bildnis einer Trinkerin. Aller - Jamais Retour / Ticket of No Return (1979), Freak Orlando (1981), Dorian Gray im Spiegel der Boulevardpresse / Dorian Gray in the Mirror of the Yellow Press (1984), Johanna d´Arc of Mongolia (1988); Flusslandschaften, Fotoensemble aus dem Kontext des Films / Photo ensemble from the context of the film Taiga (1991).